BMCS John F. (Jack) Crowley joined the CPOA on I June 1978 and has been a continuous member since that time. He is A Silver Lifetime Member of our Association who is assigned to the Mobile Chapter of the CPOA.

BMCS Crowley faithfully served the Mobile Chapter as Treasurer since the early 1980’s.

Senior Chief Crowley has attended 12 National Conventions representing the Mobile Chapter, either as a Primary or Alternate Delegate. He has represented the Miami Chapter as Proxy Delegate at the past four National Conventions.

Senior Chief Crowley served on almost all National Standing Committees. He served on the Membership and Delinquency Committee since the early 1980’s and as Chairman for the last five National Conventions. Wile Chairman of the Membership and Delinquency Committee, he was instrumental in establishing the Chief’s Unity Coin for new members.

Senior Chief Crowley has been recognized by the National Council for his outstanding effort in recruiting new members by receiving the First National Recruitment Award in 1987, a second in 1988 and a third in 1996.

Senior Chief Crowley proudly wears the Cutterman and Coxswain Pins and has served on 8 CG Cutters accumulating over 20 years sea service.

Senior Chief Crowley has been awarded over 35 awards during his CG career including 1980 Governors Award State of Alabama for Outstanding CG Enlisted Person; 1980 Navy League Hugh Casteix Award; 1983 Nominated for the Douglas A. Munro Award; and 1984 Academy Foundation Award.

Senior Chief Crowley has received over 15 awards from the CPOA for furthering its aims and goals.

Senior Chief Crowley is also a valued member of the VFW Post 4328 (Life Member), Disabled American Veterans Chapter 7 Alabama, NCOA, American Legion Post 88, CG Combat Veterans Association, Vietnam Veterans of America, AARP, and American Postal Worker Union.

On 1 October 1997, with a quorum present at a regular scheduled meeting of Mobile Chapter, this resolution was read, debated and adopted by a unanimous vote.

The Gold Lifetime Membership for BMCS Crowley was approved by the Board of Directors at the 30th Annual National Convention.