Maverick Club

The Beginning!

Once upon a time, in August of 1994, in a place known as Seattle, Washington, the 26th USCG CPOA National Convention was in session, and as was the custom, the Hospitality Room was open for all to congregate, mingle, and enjoy the camaraderie that was always present. Since the No Smoking rule was in effect, there was a gathering of smokers and non-smokers milling around just outside the Hospitality Room. One subject led to another, sea stories, air stories, and non-sailors stories – they were all there!

Somehow, it was suggested that a new chapter be established. It could be done; there were Retirees, Silver Lifetime Members, and a couple of Gold Lifetime Members in attendance. Everyone said, “Look at the Possibilities; a chapter consisting of those particular individuals, what an impact, what a statement.” Therefore, following the guidelines of the CPOA Constitution & By-laws, an application for a chapter was submitted to the Convention Board of Directors. The application was presented to the Board, and behold, it was voted to establish the “Maverick Chapter” but as with all CPOA conventions, Chiefs began talking with other Chiefs and a few bartenders. They asked themselves, “What Hath We Wrought? We hath certainly wrought something that ain’t right. Look at the chapter! It has Lifetime Members, Past Presidents, Wannabe Presidents, and others! They could literally control the CPOA.” Therefore, the wroughtfull ones asked that the partition for charter be put back before them for reconsideration. After very little discussion they unwrought themselves and the Maverick Chapter was never more.

Not being ones to admit defeat, the petitioners for the Maverick Chapter said “Hey, we were just kidding, we really just want to form a CLUB. It shall be named the MAVERICK CLUB”. Yea and verily then, it began in Seattle on the 23rd day of August 1994.

Eligibility for Membership:

  • Must be Retired
  • Must be a Silver or Gold Lifetime Member of the CPOA
  • Must donate $20.00 for a lifetime membership – at each meeting
  • Must be invited to join

In the beginning, only one Active Duty member was allowed. That was an Honorary membership. That Honor was extended to MKCM Doug Robertson because he possessed an 800-telephone number. Other Active Duty need not apply.


Charter Members


Honorary Members

QMC Frank Albright BMCM Bruce Bradley Rita Bunting
RDCM Bill Belch PSC Patty Butler Monica McCormack
MKCM Jim Bridges MCPO Forrest Croom
BMC John Bunting QMCM Joe D’Elia
BMC Larry Carr YNCM Edna Doak
ETC Henry Cartlidge YNCS Bruce Garrison
ADCM Kenneth Cartlidge ETCM Tim Lackey
YNC Alex Chapman MCPO Curtis Leary
QMC Delmond Clark YNC Kim Lorigan
MKCS Marshall Cooper YNCM Frank Love
BMCS Jack Crowley CPO Tim Mooney
BMCM John DeLuca YNC Jack Murphy
YNCM Bob Gallagher CWO Randy Reid
BMCM Walt Gore QMC Bill Segelken
MKCM Dave Isherwood SSC Gary Seifert
EMCM Lou Maher BMCS Bob Sennholtz
ADCM Kenneth Norton SKCM Myles Shaw
ENC Bill O’Farrell ATCM Tim Sheffler
RMC George Overmeyer YNC Jon Shipp
SKCM Rudy Palustre BMCS Tim Trimble
MCPO Doug Robertson BMCS Charlie Womack
MKC O. “Rod” Rodriguez BMCS Jon Ostrowski
YNCM Adrien Rymer YNCM Clara Wells
BMCM Bill Schott Mr. Mike Little
ATC Dick Wells YN1 Tammy Bogart
ITCS Rick Paauwe